St Albans

Book your place at the next virtual St Albans Buzz on our new desktop and mobile app here

St Albans Business Networking Venue:

The Beech House, 81 St Peter’s St, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3EG – view map

Hosted by:

Richard Lalchan – Founder Clarity Coach & RMLalchan CSA


Follow Business Buzz St Albans on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin for updates and connections.

Richard is a clarity coach who helps people focus on getting clear about their goals both personally and professionally. Additionally he supports businesses within their vision by providing branding and digital marketing services, having set up his first web design and digital marketing business back in 1996 and lectured in digital content creation at University of Hertfordshire. Richard also has a background and passion for working with creatives, setting up Creatives Hub in 2012, a network supporting artists, designers, musicians, writers to make a living out of their creativity. His mission now is “to encourage, equip and motivate ambitious creatives to fulfill their God-given potential”. Richard loves to learn, anything from creativity and entrepreneurship to theology and philosophy. He also loves a bit of sport especially football, tennis and Formula 1.

Find out more about Clarity Coaching from or digital marketing services from


Our business networking event in St Albans runs on the 3rd Thursday of every month, from 10am – 12noon. There is no membership, no booking, just £5 on the door.

Business Networking in St Albans is Sponsored By: